Prophecy of the Sisters (Prophecy of the Sisters #1) by Michelle Zink
Published: August 1'st 2009
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Page Count: Hardcover, 352
Genre: Young Adult, Historical, Paranormal
Find the Author: Website, Good Reads, Twitter, Blog
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Published: August 1'st 2009
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Page Count: Hardcover, 352
Genre: Young Adult, Historical, Paranormal
Find the Author: Website, Good Reads, Twitter, Blog
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An ancient prophecy divides two sisters-One good...One evil...Who will prevail? Twin sisters Lia and Alice Milthorpe have just become orphans. They have also become enemies. As they discover their roles in a prophecy that has turned generations of sisters against each other, the girls find themselves entangled in a mystery that involves a tattoo-like mark, their parents' deaths, a boy, a book, and a lifetime of secrets. Lia and Alice don't know whom they can trust. They just know they can't trust each other. - Good Reads
I picked this one up at the library this morning and I'm just speechless! It's much, much different than what I've read lately and a lot different than I expected. Michelle Zink is amazing. I could not put this book down for more than a minute today and I sped through and finished it earlier this evening.
Lia is such an intriguing character! She's calm, collected and she's smart. I love those qualities in a heroine. An her sister Alice was very, very well written. You could feel the evilness in her without it having to be said. It oozed through the pages.
It was a breath of fresh air that there was no stud in the shadows with smoldering eyes for Lia to obsess over. She's in a relationship when the book starts and it's a little prevalent in the beginning, but cools down throughout the book. So, there is no great love story taking place, only a few sweet moments, but the bulk of the story focuses on Lia and the friendships she makes in her quest to find out more about herself and her sister.
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