Friday, May 22, 2015

Review: From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess by Meg Cabot

From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess (Book #1) by Meg Cabot

Published: May 19th 2015

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Page Count: Hardcover, 192 pages
Source: Purchased
Genre: Middle Grade
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Olivia Grace Clarisse Harrison has always known she was different. Brought up by her aunt's family in New Jersey, book-and-music-loving Olivia feels out of place in their life of high fashion and fancy cars. But she never could have imagined how out of place she really was until Mia Thermopolis, Princess of Genovia, pops into her school and announces that Olivia is her long-lost sister. Olivia is a princess. A dream come true, right? But princesses have problems too. In FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCESS a new middle grade series, readers will see Genovia, this time through the illustrated diaries of a spunky new heroine, 12 year old Olivia Grace, who happens to be the long lost half-sister of Princess Mia Thermopolis.
The original Princess Diaries series sold over 5 million copies in the US (15 million worldwide), spent 82 weeks on the USA Today bestsellers list, and inspired two beloved films.

Omg. Omg. The most adorable, cutest thing EVER! I loved, loved, loved The Princess Diaries when I was younger. Meg Cabot is one of my all-time favorite authors. It’s been a few years since Forever Princess was released. But, now, the Gods have answered and not only do we get a Mia-and-Michael-Wedding (The Royal Wedding coming to book shelves and reading devices soon!) but also a BRAND NEW LONG LOST RINALDI.
It’s official. Mia’s Dad gets around.
And the result is Olivia Grace.
This is something you just HAVE to read with the little girl (or boy!) in your life that loves Princesses. It’s a great way to introduce a whole new generation to the Princess Diaries origins. They can read about Olivia Grace and then when they get her big sister’s stories, and then when they are done (it might take them their entire rest of their childhood because there’s a ton of books in that series) they can catch up to the rest of us and read all about The Greatest Royal Wedding Ever Since Kate and Will. (If not greater).

Also - it’s illustrated by Meg Cabot. Who knew that Meg Cabot could illustrate? I did as I have been obsessively following her blog since I was like Olivia Grace’s age. Maybe a little older, lol. She does a beautiful job bringing Olivia Grace and her world to life. We even get to see Princess Mia sketched!


  1. This is a great new look at the royal world of Genovia. It is a great way to introduce the new generation to these great characters. Add in the great new character, Olivia and you have a hit. I would recommend this book to readers in 5th and 6th grade. it will definitely be ordered for my middle-school library.

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  2. This book was so good! I loved its detail and description,and a great plot! Once again Meg Cabot strikes again with her amazing power to make books magical!


  3. Meg Cabot has brought to life another real girl to be a princess and she is a pleasure to read about. I look forward to further adventures.

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